Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chang hong's trial question

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Chang hong Student Name: Jee Hoon

Questions to be asked:

1. Question: Do you consider Ji Li as a black whelp?

Answer: Although Ji Li's family background isn't so good, that doesn't mean she has to join them. She still has a chance. Its not her fault that she was born into such a family. Although it will effect her but if she goes to the country side to do her summer labor she can wash the black stain from her back and follow chairman Mao. This mentions on pg 232 and 233. I think she gives up to easily. She could have went to the summer labor instead of working in a factory. This mentions on pg 233. But after putting some faith in her she makes the right decision. On pg 233 she dicides to go to summer labor after all.

3. Question: Do you think Ji Li is loyal to Mao's rule or disloyal?

Answer: Although Ji Li cares about Mao's rule, she cares about her family more. Of course she hates her grandfather because he was a landlord. She tried her best to ignore the past. But on page 212, they had crossed the line. She was sick of her name she thought of all the gossips there will be about her. but when she was about to change her name in pg 215, she ran away after she heard that you had to break up with your family

4. Question: Why do you support Mao?

Answer: I support Mao because hes rule is leading us to a great future. I am a red guard committee member myself which mentions on pg202. If you were born in a bad class status like Ji li, that may effect from going to a bad future but chairman Mao still gives you hope. Hes the leader of China and our future is in his hands.

Other questions:

2. Question: Would you help your family if they were in trouble?

Answer: On page 204 to 205, it says that my brother has epilepsy. I would be his favorite. He can't dress by himself or eat by himself. He wouldn't be able to live in his teens. But that doesn't make me stay home. We can't allow personal matters to interfere with revolutionary duties.

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